Since nobody wants to actually read the article about the new Oscars Diversity eligibility
Nobody is forcing Best Picture nominees to have a diverse cast.
No, period pieces are not “dead” for Best Picture consideration.
The film productions have to check off 2/4 boxes. Most of them probably pass the bar by default, because these new requirements are so easy to comply with.
No, 1917 would not have had to recast their leads with actors of different ethnicities. All you need is like 6 people on the crew who aren’t straight white men. That’s really it.
If your movie’s production seriously has nothing but straight white men make up your actors, camera crew, costuming, make-up, sound, editors, production designers, VFX, gaffers, PA’s, interns, marketing, and distribution department, you like, SERIOUSLY have to go out of your way to make that happen intentionally.
People should be more upset that this is essentially the Academy doing nothing to help their diversity issue while acting like this is some huge step.
You will literally not notice the difference when this comes into full effect.
Submitted September 09, 2020 at 10:01AM by dukeboy14
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