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What movie scene makes you ugly cry?

I'm sure this question has been asked to death on here, but I'd love to get some of your opinions on this

I have a weird, let's call it a vice, where I really really enjoy watching emotional movies that make me tear up. Maybe it's because I'm a 26 year old dude and I don't cry a whole lot, so having a cinematic experience that can evoke such an emotional response is a sort of release. It makes me feel human and can be very humbling. But I digress.

Some notable movie scenes that really get me every time are:

the scene in Return of the King where everybody bows down to the hobbits when Aragorn is crowned king

The ending of Toy Story 3

That scene in Click where the father falls in the rain

What's your number 1 fountain inducing movie scene?

Submitted September 30, 2020 at 12:48PM by jello_maximus

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