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I think Whiplash (2014) has the most jaw dropping ending to any movie I’ve ever seen

I saw this one in theaters when it came out and it was stuck in my head for days afterward. I even asked for a drum set for Christmas and was determined to become the next Buddy Rich. I never ended up getting that drum set lol. Ever since then, I’ve seen it maybe 4 times total and it blows me away every time. Definitely a 10 ten movie of all time for me

I know a lot of people who are actually jazz musicians think “it’s not realistic at all” but in my opinion, there is a reason the movie is how it is. If it was realistic, it wouldn’t have the same critical reception or leave you with that same effect. It would probably be a pretty boring movie. Lots of things are exaggerated in this movie for a reason and I think they executed it perfectly. But every time I talk to someone who plays jazz, they don’t even want to talk about that movie.

Anyway, what an ending. I don’t think any movies ending has ever had my eyes as glued to the screen as this one. I highly recommend this movie if you by chance haven’t seen it.

Submitted October 23, 2020 at 07:30PM by imGoingToEatYourTots

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