The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) was truly an amazing remake
This is a surprisingly excellent remake of Tobe Hooper's 1974 horror classic and is a great shocker that keeps to its original roots!
Like Evil Dead (2013) that came after it The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) is a perfect example of how a good horror remake should be done. The film wisely sticks to the premise of the original classic but it also is clever enough to introduce new characters, thus not letting us know what to expect even though a strong sense of dread is looming. The new screenplay also adds lots of new frightening situations, taught with suspense and a solidly eerie introduction and conclusion in a documentary style. It well keeps the audience on the edges of their seats. Director Marcus Nispel does a splendidly good job of creating a hot, fearful atmosphere much like that of the original 'Texas Chainsaw. But differing of course is the fact that this film has a much more 'polished' look to it, unlike the grainy original, but that thankfully doesn't take away from the startling happenings. Also differing from the original film is the fact that Texas Chainsaw (2003) packs plenty of gut-wrenching gore that is truly shocking! It all adds up to a very scary and disturbing kind of horror movie.
The cast is terrific. Biel, Tucker, Leerhsen, Vogel, and Balfour make for some great youths, it's not hard to like any of them. Ermey does an especially memorable performance as a sinister sheriff, while Bryniarski makes for a perfectly scary Leatherface.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) stands out as one of the best horror remakes to date. It well lives up to Hoopers great original film, while being a new and very horrifying ride of its own.
Submitted November 13, 2020 at 07:33PM by ElSofoques
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