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What's the deal with Bruce Willis?

Bruce Willis has made so many great movies and he used to be charismatic, cool and funny and you could tell he was putting his all in to the roles he took.

Nowadays a quick look at his IMDB page he's making a ton of movies (13 in the last 3 years and 7 in post production) where he is often the only A list actor in the movie or he's on the movie poster but is barely in the actual movie.

I've seen a few of them and he looks bored and tired like he would rather be doing anything else. He has a look on his face like he's actually pissed off that someone is paying him to star in a movie.

Are they tax write-offs? He must be a multi millionaire so he doesn't need to make these shitty movies he obviously isn't having fun making.

Submitted November 29, 2020 at 05:34PM by Beard_Of_Serpico

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