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Would you be in favor of ”do-overs” in the movie industry? E.g. if a movie with a good premise flops, the studio can just hire new writers and a new director and try again a few years later?

An example of this is the upcoming ”The Suicide Squad” (2021) which is a soft reboot of the cricially panned ”Suicide Squad” (2016). But this new film can also be seen as a sequel, so it does not replace the old one.

But imagine if it was completely replacing it. How would you feel about that becoming common practice? Studios scrapping failed releases as ”non canon” and trying again?

An example could be sweeping ”Artemis Fowl” (2020) under the rug and production for a reboot launches within the year.

Could also apply to TV. How would you feel about HBO declaring Game of Thrones seasons 7-8 noncanon and announcing a do-over with new writers?

Basically, imagine if studios could say ”Woops. That did not really work. Our bad. Let us try again. See you in three years.”

Submitted November 15, 2020 at 11:43PM by Exceon

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