Slide show


Twister (1996.) is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen and I loved every second of it.

I love to throw on background movies while I do gradschool work and ended up putting on Twister this morning. I hadn't seen Twister for about 20 years. So much to talk about.

-The practical effects are fantastic! So many impressive practical sets, from the house collapsing, to the garage at the drive in theater- seeing sets collapse and fall apart with the wind made the action scenes in this movie seem so punched up.

-The adrenaline junkie on their team,

-The rivalry with the guys in the black cars. Just pure fun- and then they stupidly get sucked into the final boss, er, tornado

-"We Got Cows"

-Pretty much everything else. The writing is laughable, no chemistry between Jo and Bill (i know there's backstage drama.)

-Jo's obsession's with tornados. It is hilariously unhealthy.
-The Dorothy and vehicle keeps getting knocked over and destroyed in every tornado encounter just to somehow be fixed up again/replaced. Who's funding all of this?

-The van driving through the house blown in front of them.
-Quickly dismantling, what I can assume to be, hundreds of pepsi cans and then reforming them to be pinwheels on the balls in Dorothy.

-Sacrificing the Vehicle and Dorothy to the final tornado, kissing, running to a torture barn, and then finally strapping themselves to the anchored pipes.

-Drive in tornado is by far the best tornado. Then the sister tornado. Then the final tornado. Then the first tornado, then lastly the tornado that goes in and out.

I found myself laughing through the whole thing. Anyone have any thoughts on this iconic blockbuster?

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 02:59AM by Thebryceisrite

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