Defending Kate Capshaw's Willie Scott in "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom":People who hate on her missed the point.
I often get comments from people who say Willie was annoying and overbearing and often compare her to Marion Ravenwood but one thing people miss is that Willie is not meant to be Marion. In a way, she's meant to be us, as I'm sure 99% of us would react exactly like Willie if placed in the same situation and I actually enjoyed Willie's reactions who seemed realistic compared to the usual character being calm while falling down a cliff.
The thing is, Capshaw's Willie is going for comedy, she is a fish out of water, she's not a archeologist looking for adventure, she's a narcissistic lounge singer and that's what you get and I feel like Willie's screwball dramatic makes the movie less dark and bring some light into a scary situation.
And for all the talk about Marion being this badass, Willie actually did more than Marion did in Raiders. In Raiders, Marion was being kidnapped or being held hostage all the time. In Temple, Willie got to evolve, she pulledf through stuff we didn't expect and we saw growth. And also, out of all the Indy girls, she had the most screen time as she wasn't kidnapped like Marion or turn bad like Elsa.
And I thought Capshaw did a wonderful job for what the role asked for and she did a great job in the opening number scene. But people always want to find something to hate.
Submitted June 21, 2021 at 04:44PM by Vivian_Salz
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