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The Rundown is a very rewatchable movie

It was long before The Rock became cartoonishly big and kind of a carbon copy caricature of himself in all his recent movies. I actually can barely get into any of his movies anymore but back here? He actually seems to be playing a character, not the Rock...that while still a one line saying badass, he's a character that at least feels grounded and limited. Super likeable

Also features Sean William Scott in probably his best non Stiffler role besides Goon. He's actually perfect here not long after the American Pie movies. It's as if it was a 5 year later Stiffler that still hasn't fully grown up went to go chase some treasure in the Amazon. But then he meets a dude in The Rock that finally won't take his verbal shit and the results are funny

Christopher Walken is great as always in his short time. He never shortchanges any role and that's evident in his hilarious tooth fairy role

Rosario Dawson...uhh...looks amazing

But so back to the original topic, it's just one of the more rewatchable movies. Likeable two protagonists? Check. Entertaining villain? Check. The Rock before he got kinda corny? Check. Simple yet interesting storyline? Check. Swift pace that sets you right into the story while introducing the characters to you seamlessly? Check

And some of the comedy manages to hold up even through rewatches

End with....I will actually kinda boldly say that The Rock, here in what was essentially his second movie ever, was at his best and most likeable here and never fully returned to it for me...even though his public trajectory went completely the other way

Submitted August 18, 2021 at 11:41PM by MerryDepz

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