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I want a sequel to Rat Race where John Cleese’s character dies and invites everyone from the first film to his funeral, BUT, he’s secretly set up a Rat Maze to trap them all in. A sort of post-mortem revenge on them for donating all his wealth to charity.

Rat Race was arguably one of the top five funniest comedies from the early 2000s and it would be really nice to see everyone together again. Of course if some of the vast amount of people in the first film couldn’t be there, you could have newer faces fill the spots.

Just imagine: Jon Lovits with his grandkids.

Rowan Atkinson as some sort of wealthy Ted Talk guy who wrote a successful book about Narcolepsy.

Idk. I’m just having fun picturing these scenarios. What do you all think?

Edit: My original line of thinking for this would be instead of everyone fighting for money, they’re all fighting for their lives. A dark twist where the maze is filled with traps and only one can survive.

Submitted December 07, 2021 at 11:08PM by whiskeyclouds

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