What was a movie you saw recently (not necessarily a new one) that was a surprising 10/10 for you?
What was something you watched recently (maybe a movie you’ve been putting off for a while, or it’s been on your watchlist forever) that was a pleasant surprising, and is currently a 10/10 for you?
It doesn’t need to be anything on the top 100 list, but something that really spoke to you.
For me, I watched Good Time with Robert Pattison that just pushed all the right buttons for me, and I was really pleasantly shocked at how much enjoyment the film gave me, even though it wasn’t anything phenomenal in itself. But the pacing mixed with the visuals, music and dialogue, just all scratched an itch I didn’t know I had. Rare 10 for me.
Want to hear your experiences.
Submitted June 24, 2022 at 04:13AM by PumpkinExcellent5828 https://ift.tt/Zj98yGN
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