After 6 years, Mad Max - Fury Road remains the last movie to blow me away at the theater.
A few years have passed, hundreds of movies have been released, and Fury Road remains the last one to make me feel like I was witnessing a masterpiece being presented to the world while watching it. No other movie since managed to be so creative, genuine and COOL.
If you think about it, it's almost a miracle this movie was released, and was actually good. 20 years in development hell, the actor who plays the protagonist got replaced...
Production wise, lot's of other miracles. Practical effects, hundreds of extras, real explosions. Can't believe Warner Bros greenlit it, but I'm glad they did.
But the best miracle and most rewarding to fans: the movie won tons of academy Awards, including editing. Really cool because the movie was cut by George Millers wife. They know what they were doing the entire time. I wish they did more. And I wish other filmmaker took classes with them on how to make an action film.
Two thumbs up for everyone involved in that classic.
Submitted July 27, 2022 at 11:01PM by Tuminus
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