Conan: The Barbarian (1982)
I had seen Conan a handful of times when I was a kid, but amongst Arnold’s action catalogue, it always fell behind the likes of Terminator, Predator, and True Lies for me. Having watched it again just recently, holy hell was this film ambitious. Arnold is, of course, completely imposing as Conan physically, but I think he actually does some fine work as a vector of pure, stoic vengeance. James Earl Jones is given so many iconic lines to chew through and his conqueror turned zealot role as Thulsa Doom rivals his turns as Darth Vader. The costuming, the world building, and that high 80s fantasy vibe left me so impressed with it. Just wanted to share my appreciation and if you don’t like it— then to Hell with you!
Submitted July 06, 2022 at 07:38AM by Scarcecrows
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