Seeing more and more bad reviews for a movie/show being “woke” on IMDb. Anyone else noticing the same trend?
I swear, the anti “woke” crowd rate 1/10 stars for any movie/show that has minorities casted as lead roles. Doesn’t matter how good the movie or show is, it’s always a 1 star review, outlining how white people are portrayed poorly because of the minority led cast. It’s honestly become ridiculous.
I typically wouldn’t bother posting at all, but after finishing a good show or movie I go and check IMDb reviews to see if anyone felt the same…. The only times I come to see people on the complete opposite end of things are the anti “woke” reviewers.
Meaning I’ll see 6-10 star reviews with genuine thoughts on everything. But then I’ll see the 1 star reviews for shows/movies with a minority cast… who say they WOULD’VE liked the show/movie if it didn’t try to be so “woke”… Cue: explanations on how minorities (that are the lead roles) had poor interactions with white people. As if the character interactions had no meaning, and all that mattered was race.
I specifically make this post after seeing it for 100th time on a show that was about a goddamn alien coming to earth to try and help the human race. Anti-woke IMDb didn’t like the fact that the main characters were minorities, and that the baddies were white ppl running corporations.
The thought of race never even crossed my mind - to me, it was an extraterrestrial coming to Earth and confiding in an intelligent human to help save humanity together. But to the anti-woke crowd… the FIRST thing they noticed were skin colors, and from there on out, that was all that mattered. They actively sought out how people were portrayed based on race, even though that was never the point.
Was a show about humanity, yet the humans found a way to make it about race. Almost an ironically sad twist of fate that paints a poor picture of our society.
Sincerely, Some poor white dude that’s sick and tired of the bullshit anti “woke” reviews bombing review scores for entertaining shows/movies solely due to race & interactions between races.
Shame on IMDb for approving race-based reviews that contain literally 0 context of show/movie itself. Shit has got to stop.
Submitted July 12, 2022 at 10:10AM by ElectronicChronic
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