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Bedazzled (2000) holds up much better than I could have expected

Everybody myself included loves talking about Brendan Fraser and his much deserved return to live action performances and just the other day I accessed a core memory of Elizabeth Hurley as the devil in this movie, I remembered this movie as a fun forgettable genie type with a set of monkey paw wishes and how they played out. I was however blown away by how the actors absolutely dominated the movie. Brendan’s performances as the Colombian drug lord and the charming sophisticated gay writer really standout in his quest for love as does Elizabeth Hurleys amazing interpretation of the devil with their brilliant back and forth between wishes. It’s been some time since I’ve seen this movie and I didn’t remember the ending or when Brendan’s character met god but it fell into place perfectly, narratively speaking. This movie is definitely a product of its time with two stars at the peak of their careers it has a lot of fun and takes it’s story seriously enough to work just as intended. Would definitely recommend for an easy watch.

Submitted September 07, 2022 at 08:37AM by Exodus1326

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