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What are the popular tropes today that are going to make films feel "dated" 25 years from now?

Remember saxophones being all over the soundtrack and marking every film from the 80s as an "80s movie"? Spandex as the universal wardrobe of future societies (and eye makeup that covered half of the face or more)? Bullet time? And that doesn't begin to touch more generalized examples, like the technical limitations or reflection of societal norms.

None of the things that "date" a film are thought of in that context when a film is being made; in fact some of the most dated films were avant-garde when they were made. Sometimes those elements aren't limited to a single film, and mark a film from a particular time because of how pervasive those elements are at that time. And it will happen to films being made today as well. What are some elements that you see in modern movies that, in the future, will date a movie as an "early 20s movie"?

Submitted December 08, 2022 at 11:16PM by DieFanboyDie

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