What are some other movies like Total Recall and American Psycho where by the end you don't know if what they experienced is what really happened.
I love these movies because by the end of them you really don't know what the hell just happened and if they experienced what you watched or if it's just them crazy or a memory.
Total Recall plays like he actually is a secret agent but it's also 100% the memory that he just paid to get implanted, so by the end you don't really know if he did that or we just watched the memory.
American Psycho is a bit different but at the end of that you don't know know if Bateman actually just killed a whole lot of people or just thought about it in his head and we got to see those thoughts.
What are some other movies that have this theme?
Submitted August 23, 2023 at 04:48AM by peanutmanak47 https://ift.tt/HQbZyLd
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