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What's a film where blatant exposition/infodump doesn't feel out of place, and why?

We all know the adage "Show, don't tell," and that exposition for the sake of exposition can be clunky and intrusive. Never mind if a character starts a sentence with "As you know..."

But what about cases where it works to the benefit of the plot?

For instance, I just rewatched Back to the Future (in my top five all-time films), and realized that there is a ton of exposition in it, especially by Doc. Yet it doesn't feel intrusive to me, which I think is due to:

  1. It all becomes important later.
  2. It's just what Doc does. He has a tendency of over-explaining things and/or using purple prose, and we love him for it.
  3. Because they explain the plan multiple times in detail, it has to go wrong, and it does.

Submitted September 05, 2023 at 12:01AM by square3481

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