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Home Alone is insanely well plotted (and people need to stop taking it so seriously)

I read a tweet recently (link in comments)talking about how well plotted Home Alone is, despite the absurd premise. They're absolutely correct, pretty much all 'plot-holes people discover are either nitpicks or people taking the movie WAY too seriously)

The opening is a Chokov's Goldmine, so much is established and set up in the first 12(!) minutes. Kevin's current relationship with his family, Harry scoping out the house, things that factor into Kevin being left behind (I only caught Kevin's ticket getting thrown out during the kitchen chaos about 2 years ago).

Even small things that most people ignore with Kevin's family (like how Kevin and Buzz are away from the others so they don't see what actually started the fight, the siblings and cousins are all bickering and at each other not just Kevin), adding much more nuance than 'thHEY So MeaN tO hIM aND oNLy hIm!!!' Things are just exaggerated slightly because it's a kid's film and we need clear reasoning for Kevin wishing his family away and the plot needs to happen.

Also, 'Harry and Marv should've died' and 'There were no direct flights from Chicago to Paris in 1990' are not plot holes.

I'm sure I missed more, but Home Alone is a great mixture of genuinely well made and ridiculous and people online need to stop taking it so seriously.

Submitted January 02, 2024 at 01:16AM by SavageWolfe98

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