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It's a crime that Jeff Bridges and Kurt Russell have NEVER made a movie together.

How is it possible? It could be a comedy, a drama, a western, sci-fi, buddy-cop, bromance, rom-com even animated and I'd still watch it. They have so many similarities that it seems like they would be pals in real life.

Both of them are sons who followed their fathers (whom they would later eclipse) into the business in the late 50s-early 60s as child actors, became beloved performers in their own right with iconic movies/characters. Each full of charm, charisma, humor and likeability.

It's hard to say if I had to choose who has had the better career but they both are two of my favorites, but then that's just my opinion man.

Submitted February 03, 2024 at 11:41PM by Endless_Change

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