I've just rewatched the original Predator
I forgot how goddamn good it is!
Arnie is better than he is in the vast majority of his roles, seemingly feeling comfortable as Dutch. Simultaneously, the writing was great and gave us classics such as 'Get to the choppa!' and 'I ain't got time to bleed'.
The special effects still hold up. I won't say the computer effects are what I'd expect from today's studios, of course not, but for what was actually done in sfx is a wonderful achievement and I'm still amazed. The Predators camouflage is crazy fuckin' cool, and you can quote me on that.
But of course, the vfx was and still is frighteningly up to date. The gore (poor old Mac getting his brain bucket drilled out and Dillon getting a new body cavity) are excruciatingly clear and disgustingly gorgeous. The flayed corpses are great, and the Predator itself is near enough flawless.
But really, for a film of that inclination, I wasn't expecting the cinematography to be what it was. The shot where the Predator rips the spinal column out of Billy's corpse is stunning, as is most of the shots during Arnie and the Predators final showdown.
I just wanted to come and say that I remembered the film as a sci-fi classic with a lot of features still being spoon fed into new films of the genre, but what it actually is is a good film in general for sci-fi, action, and horror, and not just because it had Arnie and an alien.
Submitted August 24, 2016 at 07:29AM by SnowyTreeFish http://ift.tt/2c4GT7C
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