How to become an 80s "Coming of Age" movie villain
80s "Coming of Age" movie villain guide
-Never forget you're invincible.
-Dope ride, preferably less than 150 horsepower, function follows form. Just make sure it looks good and you can lock up the brakes.
-Have at least two people who will do literally anything you say.
-Use your lackeys to detain others in order to deliver speeches.
-Never fight one on one, the world isn't fair.
-Have a girl around you that you would do anything to keep other than treat her like a human being.
-Sunglasses are you friend, even if it seems unnecessary, wear them.
-Vehicular Manslaughter, what does that even mean lol.
-Laugh, just go with it. Laughter is contagious.
-Domestic violence is a tool, use it when needed.
Bad Boy Villain
-Single Earring 1"+, Danglier the better.
-Try not to wear a shirt, but if you do keep it unbuttoned, remove sleeves, or cutoff at belly button. You're upper body is allergic to fabric.
-Always have a knife and brandish it often but by no means ever cut anyone.
-Don't let anyone know you have a home and loving parents that make you go to school everyday.
-Hair so curly it makes your mullet off putting.
Good Boy Villain
-Always wear a shirt with a collar, when you get cold, wear a heavy cable knit sweater.
-When it's time to pop off, pop that collar.
-Somehow have blonde hair like no man does.
-Don't hesitate to reference you "Father" or last name when needed.
-Drop the top and pack in those THOTs, seat belts never matter.
-Statutory rape doesn't apply to winners in frats.
Submitted November 27, 2016 at 10:31AM by SpicyFriedCracklin
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