As Blade Runner's sequel arrives soon, a few words on the majestic performance from Rutger Hauer and Roy Batty.
Blade Runner 2049 is coming next week, and it is great to see the strong anticipation among film lovers for a sequel to a film 35 years old. Ford and Fancher and Scott are all returning in some capacity which is awesome. Two key members however, will be missing. Vangelis and Hauer. While much has been said about how the sequel will miss Vangelis music, I would like to say that the combo of Rutger and his character was an equally important contributor as those mentioned above to the magic of Blade Runner.
Him as Roy Batty is just so mesmerizing to watch. The slight over the topness is quite a welcome addition to the sombre tone of BR. He is one of the villains who you genuinely could feel for. Hauer plays him perfectly. And the legendary monologue is beautifully written and delivered.
The character of Batty is quite a complex one. An android in search of prolonging his life and in this search, learning more about humanity than our protagonist.
No visuals or music combo makes a film unless there is a well told story. And I view BR as a story about humanity and life from two different perspectives of Batty and Deckard. Both extremely well written characters, and equally well performed. I hope Ford brings his A game in 2049, and as for Rutger, you will be missed surely.
Submitted September 29, 2017 at 06:16PM by Boss452
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