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I wish we could have more big-budget space films like Gravity, Interstellar and the Martian.

I'm a massive sucker for space movies and films like Gravity, Interstellar and The Martian are what I live for. Interstellar is my favourite film of all time while Gravity and The Martian are really good. Say what you want about those films, but there is no doubt that the scenes in space are just gorgeous. I just wish more big name directors decided to make films like Alfonso Cuaron, Christopher Nolan and Ridley Scott did. I for one would love Steveen Spielberg, Guillermo Del Toro or Alejandro G. Inarritu to make a space film.

It also makes sense business wise, as all three of the movies have been very successful with Gravity making 723m, Interstellar making 675m and The Martian making 630m.

The only space film on my radar in 2018 is a film called 'High Life' starring Robert Pattinson and is about a group of convicts getting sent into a black hole. The premise sounds very interesting but according to Wikipedia, only has a budget of 8 million Euros (approx. 10 million USD) which is kinda disappointing, considering it probably means that the effects and depiction of space will probably not be on par with the aforementioned films.

What do you guys think about this? Would you guys also want more space movies?

Submitted January 25, 2018 at 07:06PM by SchweppesBoy

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