What foreign films should I include as the best from the 60s and 70s?
I am beginning something I call, "A Year with the Greats." Each week a friend and I are chronologically going through the top foreign directors of the 50s-70s (Bunuel, Fellini, Godard, etc). I have compiled 52 of their best movies, one to watch each week. I have had to pick and chose their movies to watch and not watch. It hasn't been very easy but I thought that with there being about ten directors in this group, they could each have about 5 films each. The only director that I would've liked to include but didn't is Kurosawa. Although he was deeply entrenched in the West, his eastern setting doesn't mesh well with the rest of the group. Plus, it seems that he made many more movies than the rest. Maybe he'll get all of next year. I also suppose I didn't have to include Kubrick, but since he is always grouped in with a few of the other guys on the list, I supposed that he can be included as well.
Listed on the spreadsheet as all of the movies by the director. The ones in bold are the ones that I plan to watch. What movies would you leave out or switch with another film? I have tried to chose the most meaningful, critically acclaimed, most indicative of the director's style. This will serve as an introduction to these director's, maybe next year we will watch the rest of them. But for now, I am look for the essential films that made these 9 directors so important and acclaimed. I would like to keep the film at 52 for simplicity's sake but if you feel that one must be added without taking another away, then maybe. I am just looking for blaring absences. Feel free to look it over Please let me know what you think of the list. Thanks!
Submitted January 21, 2018 at 11:40PM by Hooterdear http://ift.tt/2mYjFCU
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