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Theory: The significance of the Peter and the Wolf ringtone in Blade Runner 2049 'spoilers'

[ I watched this movie about a month ago and noticed the recurring “ringtone” of Peter’s theme from Peter and The Wolf by Sergei Prokofiev. I caught it early on and made an interpretation of what its significance was. However after I told a few friends what I thought it meant I realized I was the only one who read into it like I did. So I wouldn’t be doing my duty as big fat nerdy know-it-all if I didn’t share this idea with the world, regardless whether it is the correct or not. So here is my interpretation of the significance of the ringtone in Blade Runner 2049!

The theme goes off 7 times:

  1. When Joi experiences rain for the first time

  2. When Luv is going to see Wallace in the Tyrell Pyramid

  3. When K is approached by Mariette and the prostitutes

  4. When K is looking at the DNA of the ‘miracle child’

  5. When K crashes in San Diego and is surrounded

  6. When Mariette examines the wooden horse

  7. And when K is hit on by the giant ad right before he saves Deckard.

The number 7 happens to be the amount of characters in Peter and the Wolf with themes:

  1. Peter

  2. The Grandfather

  3. The Bird

  4. The Duck

  5. The Cat

  6. The Hunters

  7. The Wolf

So I thought I would line up the ‘ringtone’ with a character in Peter and the Wolf as I watched and see what happened.

  1. When Joi experiences rain for the first time – The Duck. Easy. Also means that she will later be killed by the wolf. (Which comes true) Sorry Joi.

  2. When Luv is going to see Wallace in the Tyrell Pyramid – The Wolf. Again pretty easy. The girl was obviously the antagonist from the start.

  3. When K is approached by Mariette and the prostitutes – The Cat The girl covered in fur comes out and hits on K. That’s the cat alright. Was wondering when I was watching it why they made this character, who would probably not play into the story much, the cat but I was wrong. She shows up quite a lot later on.

  4. When K is looking at the DNA of the ‘miracle child’ – The Bird This was really fun on first watch because it’s a Red Herring. You see K staring at this DNA and you assume that the DNA is his and this ringtone is supposed to represent Peter. However we learn later that he isn’t the miracle child and that he is in fact looking at the DNA of Dr. Ana Stelline. Stelline spends her scene making very heavy algories to her ‘cage’ and freedom and bird shit but never gets a ‘ringtone’ moment cementing her as the bird. We learn later that this is because we get the ‘ringtone’ moment here. When we are looking at her DNA. Also the bird, being so nimble, escapes the wolf so I assumed she would live to the end which she does.

  5. When K crashes in San Diego and is surrounded – The Hunters I thought the BladeRunners would be the Hunters on my first watch but this happened. I thought it was kind of weak but oh well. They can’t all be zingers.

  6. When Mariette examines the wooden horse – The Grandfather The horse, made by Deckard the Grandfather. Deckard is so obviously the Grandfather in this metaphor it hurts. But like Stelline we don’t get a ‘ringtone’ moment with him on screen. However we do see later that he made the horse and carved quite a few more.

  7. When K is hit on by the giant ad right before he saves Deckard – Peter K finally decides what needs to be done. He has been through all these trials and accepts his role in this story as Peter. He goes out and uses his cunning to kill the Wolf.

There it is. I have no idea if it’s correct or not but feel free to let me know what you think! ] (#spoiler)

Submitted February 24, 2018 at 05:12AM by digletts_on_a_plane

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