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Stanley Kubrick was supposed to give Malcolm McDowell 2.5% of the profit from A Clockwork Orange, but never told McDowell about the arrangement and never gave him the money

He was supposed to pass on 2.5 percent of the movie, which he never did. When I was told this by the head people at Warner Bros. when it was a huge hit, and they said, “Well, you’re going to be a very rich young man.” I said, “Really? Why’s that?” They went, “Well, with the 2.5 percent we passed on to Stanley for you.” And I went, “Well, I never got it.” And they looked at each other and they laughed and they went, “Ohhh, that’s just like Stanley.” And I’m thinking, “My God, you only do one of these movies in a lifetime. Why would he do that to a young actor? Why would he do that? It’s so ungenerous and so mean, when he’s had every f–king fiber of my being.” So that sort of really hurt so much that I couldn’t talk to him again.

Submitted April 04, 2018 at 01:04PM by lbgw2

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