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Finally saw Tron: Legacy.

Tron: Legacy was a film I'd heard about for a long time, a film I'd always wanted to see due to the awesome soundtrack by Daft Punk. I finally found a copy in some used movie bargain place, and bought it for about 5 bucks, expecting good visuals and nice music.

Tron: Legacy is amazing.

In the world of Tron, a brilliant computer programmer creates a world of light, a digital frontier called The Grid. This setting is possibly the single most intoxicating, most evocative setting I've ever seen in a film.

Almost every shot of this film, every frame, could be a painting at an art gallery. The way the set designers, costume designers, and special effects artists both digital and physical have brought this world to life is unparalleled. The story is simplistic, and certainly not for everyone. It's the film's obvious weak link. But unlike most films, Tron: Legacy manages to turn style into substance. The Grid feels like more than a gimmick, it feels like a fascinating world you're just barely glimpsing.

The visuals almost 8 years on are completely astounding. Nothing I've seen comes close to the way this film uses bright light on a dark background. It's like the Blade-Runner cyberpunk look perfectly simplified. The music, as well. This film's soundtrack is a delight, and fits perfectly with visuals. It's a mixture of an orchestral score and Daft Punk's signature style, but it tends to lean further towards the electronic end. It's saddening to hear that Daft Punk won't make a film soundtrack ever again, but I guess there's no shame is quitting while you're ahead.

I highly recommend Tron: Legacy. Although the story is somehow both simplistic and overly obtuse, it's one of the few films I can wholeheartedly say is worth it for the spectacle alone.

(P.S. Bring me Tron 3 Disney! And don't make it something lame like having more ISO's in the real world.)

Submitted June 18, 2018 at 01:31PM by arcpollux

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