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What am I missing about Crazy Rich Asians?

Can someone please tell me what I'm what missing about Crazy Rich Asians? The film has a 93% rating on Rottentomatoes and reviews seem to range from "it was alright" to "it was actually quite good". I absolutely hated it, and thought that in so far as any piece of art can be said to be objectively garbage, surely this is it. Here are some reasons why:

  1. This movie asks us to empathize with characters whose main problems stem from being one of the richest families in Asia. The protagonist has a choice to make between taking over a billion dollar company or living like a king with the love of his life in New York City. Who identifies with these characters? What audience are they speaking to?

  2. I have never seen a movie so utterly devoid of conflict. For the first hour everything and everyone is rich, hot, and perfect, and then the slightest of all problems arise when the mother doesn't like her sons girlfriend. The stakes in this movie were so incredibly low and uninteresting that i felt i was constantly waiting for a punchline that never came.

  3. There is zero character development from anyone but the mother. I kept on waiting for the dark family secret, or the fatal flaw in the prince to be revealed, but it just never happens. Nick is perfect. He is perfect at the beginning and he is perfect at the end. Rachel is kind and sweet at the beginning and she is kind and sweet at the end.

  4. A sold 45 minutes in the middle of the film was dedicated no nothing but shot after nauseating shot of lavish parties. From the mansion, to the batchelor party, to the batchelorrete party and beyond. Fireworks, exotic food, expensive clothes, naked women, I felt like I was in a tasteless Pitbull music video the entire time. But I held out hope. I thought perhaps the movie is setting us up for a fall, these luxuries will weigh heavily on Nick, and as the empire crumbles the family and Nick will see that this lifestyle comes with a price. Boy was I mistaken! The end of the movie comes with a 40 million dollar wedding and then an extravagant engagement party, and as the very last shot of choreographed swimmers and fireworks fades I felt both relieved and deflated.

Now, i quite like a good romantic comedy, even if it is formulaic and cheesy, but Cray Rich Asians does not qualify. This movie felt contrived and souless, as if it occupies the same niche as gossip magazines who survive on selling normal people a lie of what its like to be rich and famous. I felt like I was either a member of the paparazzi or a servant balancing a tray of champagne glasses for the entire movie.

Please help me. What do people like about this movie?

Submitted September 20, 2018 at 04:58AM by tryinmybestest

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