Fantastic Four (2005) is an nostalgic guilty pleasure even though it kinda sucks
Reddit seems to love defending bad yet nostalgic movies for karma, so now it's my turn. I still have a odd fondness for the 2005-07 Fantastic Four movies mostly for nostalgic value. The have a kind of time capsule feeling to them. The soundtrack consists of R&B jams and punk rock, there is a entire scene around the X-Games, even the casting is mostly pulled from the biggest cable shows at the time. It has a kind of charming simplicity to it when every comic book movie know is a epic movie event. (that's not a jab at current movies or a praise)
But it should be noted: it's a bad movie. The pacing is trash, most of the movie is them lazing about and when they do superhero stuff, it's usually their own fault that it's happened in the first place (even Dr. Doom can be blamed on them in this version). The special effects don't look good even for the time, the villain sucks, too much romance drama and the casting of Jessica Alba and Chris Evans as siblings is stupid. Just throw a blonde wig on a Hispanic woman and she's white, right?
Despite these rather glaring flaws, I find a lot to like about the movie, not just for the nostalgic value, (I was 7 when it came out) but there is some good things; for one the performances are fun, even Alba does okay with what she's given. Michael Chiklis as the Thing is excellent, the costume is awesome and he gets the best drama. The humor gets a few laughs out of me and the final fight scene is a lot of fun. The main theme by John Ottman is also underrated.
I don't know why I wrote all this down. I guess I just felt like talking about the old Fantastic Four movie.
Submitted January 27, 2019 at 04:59AM by RAPSONGYES
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