Morally good characters are more interesting than bad ones
Am I the only one who doesn't find bad characters interesting?
I'm not interested in sociopaths or guys who lose their humanity as the film progresses. I know a ton of shitty people in real life just like this. The world is full of cunts. There's so many reasons to be a shitty person tbh.
What interests me are the morally good people that society deems "boring", likely because it makes them feel insecure about themselves. Characters like Rocky Balboa for example, people who have every reason to be shitty because of the people and circumstances/world around them but choose not to, and become good people.
Whenever I meet a genuinely good person in real life, and I find out they went through some trauma and had bad experiences, I'm always amazed. They have every reason to not be kind but choose to be. IMO this is why a Superman film done right could work so well.
I've had enough of people saying morally grey and bad characters are more "complex". As I get older, I'm beginning to realise that good and genuinely positive people (not the fake types) are actually more complex....the world is full of reasons not to be good.
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 10:11PM by throwawayratemeosos
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