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Borat 2 Rudy Giuliani scene - "It’s worse than you think and more uncomfortable than anything I’ve seen in a recent film, documentary or otherwise."

So I saw a thread earlier that included a tweet from a verified user that said - "I have now seen the scene with Rudy Giuliani and though it is creepy for other reasons it is being described on twitter in a false way. He does not have his hand down his pants in a sexual way. He is tucking his shirt back in after she untucks it removing his mic."

Well, that guy is still tweeting defending Giuliani so lets take what he says with a grain of salt..

Here's another tweet I came across from another verified user who also claims to have seen the movie, this guy clearly doesn't share the same opinion lol.

"Well, looks like the cat’s out of the pants. Having seen #Borat2 I can now safely tell you #RudyGiuliani is over in a very big way. It’s worse than you think and more uncomfortable than anything I’ve seen in a recent film, documentary or otherwise."

I guess we'll have to wait and see but damn I can't wait lmao

Repost because some Giuliani loving mod deleted the last thread

Submitted October 22, 2020 at 05:43AM by SmokeThree

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