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John Carpenter's Vampires (1998) was the best movie to carve pumpkins to last night.

James Woods and Dani Baldwin are Vampire Hunters in Texas. They dress in black, talk fast, make the best 90's witty jokes, and beat everyone up. James Woods at one point asks the Padre if he got wood when he was beating him up for info in the scene prior. Dani Baldwin has to tie down a girl and strip her naked just to get her name. There are constant explosions, blood everywhere. One point a guy gets cut in half and the practical effects are great. Yet there were so many laughable moments, of unintentional hilarity. A guy in the most 90s party scene ever, is partying too hard and just takes a lamp and throws it out the window. Guns were blazing in every scene, James Woods curses every five seconds. Samuel Jackson would be upset by how many times Woods screamed MOTHER FUCKER! I legit thought Tarantino made it at one point. It's a little similar to Dusk till Dawn. I loved it, it's fantastically terrible in a 90s kind of way. The banter between Woods and the 'Master Vampire' was too good. "You want to bite my ass, would that make you happy?"

Submitted October 18, 2020 at 10:47PM by bigblueberryboobies

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