After several viewings of Con Air that involved strategic pausing and staring way too closely at the TV, I came up with two Con Air seating charts. The first is for the Oakland Airport convicts, and the second is for the Carson City convicts.
I'm a big fan of Con Air. It's an insane B-movie with an A-list cast, and It's loaded with memorable moments, bunny fights, and glorious hair. Also, Nic Cage throws a beautiful spin kick, which blows my mind every time I see it. During a recording of Deep Blue Sea - The Podcast, a guest said putting a seating chart together was nearly impossible - so, I decided to give it a shot. Getting the seating chart 100% correct was a bumpy ride, and I was completely flummoxed by a couple of the character names. So, I reached out to Con Air actors Ty Granderson Jones (Blade) and Conrad Goode (Viking), and they helped me with the finishing touches (Thank you again!).
Here's the Con Air seating chart! I hope you enjoy.
Breakdown of characters.
- Karls (2B) He’s the guy who gets a bag over his head. He is later shot and killed during the plane takeover
- Londell (2C) – He is one of the prisoners transferred off the plane at Carson City
- Con #1 (2D) – He is the mustachioed prisoner who dies in the Lerner Airport battle
- Ajax (3B) – He gets killed in the Lerner Airport battle
- Old Con (3C) – He’s the old con who says “I’m too old for this sh**” and volunteers to be transferred in Carson City
- Donald (4B) – He gets transferred in Carson City
- Benson (4C) – He is shot and killed during plane takeover
- Johnny-23 (4D) – He almost makes it to the end, but he’s killed during the Vegas crash.
- Nathan “Diamond Dog” Jones (Door 1) – He is killed during the Vegas fire truck chase.
- Cyrus “The Virus” Grissom (Door 2) – His death is comically beautiful during the Las Vegas chase. Main antagonist.
- William “Billy Bedlam” Bedford (Door 4) – He is killed by Poe during the epic “bunny” fight
- Willie Sims (5B) – He’s an undercover agent who is shot by Cyrus after the plane take over
- Cameron Poe (5C) – Main protagonist. Ultimate Badass
- Mike “Baby-O” O’Dell (5D) – Cameron’s friend
- Warlock (6A) – Con who gets lit on fire before plane takeover. He dies in Lerner Airport battle.
- Pinball (6B) – He instigates the plane takeover and dies when he gets trapped in plane landing gear in Caron City
- Watts (6C) – Transferred in Carson City
- Popovich (7B) – He is shot and killed by Willie Sims
Carson City Convicts (the seating chart reflects when they were taking off from Carson City)
- Swamp Thing (Cockpit) – Pilot who dies during the Las Vegas chase
- Cindino (Cockpit) – Dies in Lerner Airport after he tries to double cross Cyrus
- Blade (2B) – Presumably he is arrested after the Las Vegas crash
- Carlos (2C) – Arrested after Las Vegas crash
- Sally Can’t Dance (3B) – Arrested after Las Vegas crash
- Mongoose (3C) – Killed in Lerner Airport battle
- Ramirez (4B) – He is presumably killed during Lerner Airport battle
- Viking (4C) – Poe takes him out before crashing in Vegas – He is confused by rocks
- Conrad (4B) – Poe takes him out before crashing in Vegas
- Garland “Marietta Mangler” Greene – Survives and gambles in Vegas
I hope you enjoyed the Con Air seating chart!
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Submitted November 11, 2020 at 10:35PM by LundgrensFrontKick
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