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A friend's (F20) been having a bad few weeks. Feels incompetent, unaccomplished, low self esteem. Had a bad break up on top of all that. Home's pretty miserable too. What's a good movie to make her feel a little better.

My friend is going through a really rough time in her life rushing from one place to another to get paperwork for her university admissions, she's run into a lot of problems and her family aren't being considerate to her at all. To make matters phenomenally worse her BF decided to break up yesterday. She's been feeling really miserable and helpless and her self worth has fallen really really low. I've been doing everything in my power to help and from personal experience I believe a good movie could help lift her spirits a bit. I call on your help Reddit!

Submitted January 24, 2021 at 03:58PM by Xero7777

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