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My favorite scene from "The Prince of Egypt"

"The Prince of Egypt", from 1998 is my favorite animated movie, and I'm not even Christian. The movie has a stunning score, deep characters, amazing visuals, a compelling story and a heavy drama. It's better than the 1956 "The Ten Commandments" for me. Also, I'm talking about the movie, not the bible or Christianity.

So, how can i get one scene that combines everything great that this movie has? Well, ik one

Ramses son death is the best scene of the movie

Why's that? Well, this scene is right on spot. First of all, it gives a big philosophical dilema. We just saw God killing the first borns (and let's put in the context of the movie, and say that he doesn't actually kill them, he's taking them to heaven). Is this right? Does Ramses kid wants this? Actually, does all of Egypt deserves to suffer because of Ramses ego? Well, this is the time that the movie gets slow for a few seconds, so we can breath and rethink. And even Moses is going through this, that's why he cries after the scene

Second thing that makes this scene great is the directing. The scene has some very unique sets of colors, for a movie that is so bright and colorful most of the time. We have a dark room, with a big light spot, and our characters are in this light spot. But by the end of the scene, Moses gets out the bright circle, and walk through the darkness, while Ramses stay. This can symbolize how Moses did something wrong, how killing the first borns wasn't the right movement. And yes, the Hebrews got free, but at what cost? The ends don't justify the meanings, right?

And the look that Ramses give after Moses goes away, it screams "Is my turn now, I'll have my revenge". Even if he's a horrible person, Ramses is still a human, and we connect with him in that moment of vulnerability. But in a few seconds, this sympathy becomes fear.

This also shows the difference between two characters. While Moses cries because of what he did, because of how he broke the bonds with his brother, Ramses gets angry. We can see how each characters were dealing with their separation. Moses was sad, and Ramses was anger at Moses.

The score is also so beautiful, all of the movies scores are beautiful, but this one is special. When the scene starts, we hear some whispers, sounding like whispers covered by the wind. This is the echoing of what just happened, because the final plague sounded like this. And when Ramses gives Moses permission, the screams get covered by normal score. It's over now, Ramses gave permission so we don't need the plague. But they're not fully gone, they're still there. And when we see that Ramses haven't given up, they come back, we need the plagues back, and even louder this time, because they're reminding us of what happened. It sounds like a child screaming tbh. The scene score is a mixture of sadness and fear.

In conclusion, just go watch "The Prince of Egypt", you won't regret it. And if you have watched, tell me your favorite scene and tell me why it's your favorite.

Submitted October 04, 2021 at 11:00AM by Lintant

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