Does anyone think the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy failed Finn? How do you go from co-lead to supporting character?
They didn't want to make Finn a Jedi, fine, but why turn him into such a clown in THE LAST JEDI and then have him be a side character in THE RISE OF SKYWALKER.
Maybe I'm in the minority but I felt Finn had more chemistry with Rey than Kylo. I wish the trilogy had explored further their relationship. It's odd how THE LAST JEDI ended with Rey jealous over Finn's closeness with Rose and then in RISE, they're just friends.
Also, Finn could have been a total bad ass, a guy who rose over his once cowardly status to be a brave warrior but instead of that, they milked the clown janitor persona and those jokes were not funny. It's to John Boyega's credit that he made the most of it but I can't blame him for not wanting to return to Star Wars after Kathy Kennedy ruined Finn. He had so much more potential than Adam Driver's whiny emo nerd act.
Submitted December 21, 2021 at 09:48PM by Ren_Celluloid
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