Which Indiana Jones is your favorite?
I recently re-watched the Indiana Jones trilogy and I forgot how much I love them. (Haven’t rewatched Crystal Skull. Don’t know if I will.) I grew up with them and Indy was one of my first heroes.
When I was a kid The Last Crusade was my favorite. Me and my sister wore out that VHS lol.
Anyway, for me it’s Temple of Doom. Objectively speaking, Raiders and Crusade are better movies, but I connect with Temple more. I love how compared to the others it’s way more violent, dark, campy, cheesy, and, overall, fucked-up. I also think Mola Ram is the best villain from that trilogy. He was creepy and goofy, and his look is iconic. For me this is the Indiana Jones movie with the quickest pace. I like how it’s not a globetrotting adventure. There’s nothing wrong with globetrotting adventures I just prefer stories that are small in scale and contained. I think it has the best music, and best usage of music. The sets are incredible! The action scenes are intense and memorable! The editing is superb! There’s so much attention to detail! I think it has the coolest poster. And I love movies that terrified me as a kid.
I think Adam from YMS described it best, “It’s like if early Sam Raimi made an Indiana Jones movie.”
Yeah, the movie has cultural insensitivity pretty much throughout but I can’t get mad at that because the movie is a product of its time, and I think it was more Spielberg and Lucas being ignorant and not racist.
Submitted June 26, 2022 at 02:37AM by Platoon8 https://ift.tt/UnfZMFz
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