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Does Top Gun: Maverick ever explain why a cruise missile couldn’t do this job?

Like okay there’s a ton of SAMs on top of the mountain and that’s why we can’t just fly in from above and instead have to do a Death Star Trench run (up to an including the technology failing and having to rely on the force to land the shot perfectly by hand), but why can’t a cruise missile just do all of it? Cruise missiles care much less about extreme g forces, and more importantly, cruise missiles don’t need to come home after the entire Air Force of That Nation We’re Fighting has been alerted to its existence.

Secondary Question: Why couldn’t all those missiles that blew up the airstrip also blow up the SAMs? We could send a whole squadron out to watch each other’s backs and defend from the “fifth generation fighters that we can’t say the name of even though we say the names of all the other planes” and take their time landing the bomb right where it should be if all that SAMs were gone. So much easier.

Submitted June 13, 2023 at 12:49AM by meowskywalker

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