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What are some signs that a movie is not gonna be good?

Whether before you even go to see it or in the theater or at home already watching it, what are some signs a movie ain't gonna be good?

Talking to a friend who said he knows when a movie is gonna be bad because in the commercials, instead of repeating an insightful quote from well-known critics, you hear one-word quotes like "splendid," "unbelievable," and all from critics you've never heard of, like some guy on some radio show in a small city.

So I'm trying to think of maybe some ways I know how a movie is probably not gonna be good and maybe some of it is unconscious, like just the way a trailer looks. And sometimes it happens when I'm already in the theater, maybe a certain bad actor shows up, or the conversation is so bland and forgettable. I don't know, but maybe asking here can help me remember more signs...

Submitted September 08, 2023 at 04:51AM by Rosameer

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