Deleted Scenes or Scenes from Extended Versions/Directors' Cuts that you think should've been in the Theatrical release?
Terminator 2, there is a scene in the extended version where instead of the Terminator interacting with Humans to learn more about them, there's a switch that they need to reset in order to change his programming from read only to write. During this scene, the trauma of the Terminator existing gets the best of Sarah Connor and she attempts to destroy the CPU chip before John stops her, and they argue about whether to destroy it or not. I found it to be a powerful scene and wish that they had included it in the theatrical version.
Another scene in the same movie is when Miles Dyson is at home working on his computer when he had promised his kids he was going to take them to an amusement park. This scene does more to humanize Dyson and paint him as just a regular guy and not the destroyer of all mankind and I also wish that had stayed in the theatrical version of the movie.
What delete scenes from movies do you think should have stayed in?
Submitted December 24, 2023 at 07:54PM by futanari_kaisa
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