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Hateful Eight, while being my least favourite Tarantino film, is one that gets better upon a second or third viewing. [Rant]

It's a film I had never planned to watch twice. It's long and meandering and still my least favourite film of his, yet I think it might be the most immersive.

Something was special and timeless about the cabin featured. Not excluding the beautiful snowy mountains in the beginning, everything is filmed to make you wish you could be in this world without it's incessant monologuess and violence.

But it's these long winded speeches that you must endure the whole film. The Sam Jackson one with the guy sucking him off is still out of place and weird, but when you compare it to other shots in the film it might make perfect sense.

This movie just really puzzled me as a Tarantino fan. I couldn't tell if it was a comedy or serious western or dramatic character study, maybe that was he point but it seemed inconsistent.

Finally, I hated the ending at first but have come to realize how relevant it is with the rest of the film, it's actually pretty brilliant.

Submitted March 26, 2017 at 10:46AM by NaturesWar

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