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What was the most unexpected cameo you remember seeing in a film?

It's always fun when a name actor shows up unexpectedly in a film. It doesn't even have to be an actor, it can be anyone. For me, oddly enough, my favorite example happened in a movie I largely despise, "The Postman" (aka "Dirtworld" and "Dances With Mailmen" to name two mocking titles critics labeled it with). This is not a good film, to put it bluntly. It's corny, takes itself waaaaay too seriously, Kevin Costner has his head up his ass throughout the entire thing and the ending, where a promised climactic battle instead has Costner and Will Patton's villain scuffling in the dirt like two boys fighting on the playground, is a laugh riot. The whole thing works best as an MST3K target waiting to happen.

And yet, two thirds into the movie, Tom Petty shows up. Yes, THAT Tom Petty. And while it's never openly said, the implication is that he's playing himself. Apparently Tom Petty survived the Apocalypse and wound up as mayor of a small settlement. It's even lampshaded by Costner.

"You used to be famous."

"Yeah. I used to. Kind of."

And for that small part, the movie gets interesting. All because of this off the wall cameo.

Your example?

Submitted February 25, 2020 at 12:59AM by gf120581

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