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There should be a Millennial Forrest Gump that's the opposite of the Baby Boomer Forrest Gump

Instead of having nothing but good fortune and just coasting through life succeeding without even meaning to, he (or she) should be an over-educated super-qualified starry-eyed Pollyanna overachiever who gets fucked over at every turn.

I'm not creative or funny enough to come up with the exact scenarios, but it could go something like this:

His childhood in the 90s is idyllic--maybe he interacts with Kurt Cobain as a very young child and Kurt gives him some foreboding advice about life not always turning out how you think it will-- and then Columbine happens in middle school, 9/11 in high school, he's in New Orleans for Katrina, he goes to college at Harvard only to graduate into the Recession. He visits Occupy Wall Street, is present for Sandy Hook somehow, the legalization of gay marriage in 2015 should be touched on, Trump's election, Charlottesville, all the way to COVID and January 6th. Don't know how or where to end it.

He meets all the presidents again, obviously. He could even keep accidentally bumping into Trump at various points in his life until Trump's presidency, ie he meets him in New York in the 90s, when he's on the Apprentice in the 2000s, and then again when he's running president. He could run into Mark Zuckerberg somehow in 2004 and inadvertently give him the idea for Facebook (or at least give him the idea to steal Facebook from the Winklevoss twins). Elon Musk should be involved somehow somewhere.

Anyone think this is a good idea? Can anyone come up with some good scenarios? Any other historical figures or events from the last 30 years he should interact with?

Submitted August 11, 2023 at 08:58AM by i_amtheice

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