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What do you have a tendency to overreact to when watching movies?

For example, do you tend to cry more than most during sad scenes or happy endings? Do you jump or scream to scares in a horror scene? Do you actually feel sick at gross things on screen?

My overreaction is to good characters experiencing public embarrassment. I can sit through scares and gross stuff with barely a cringe and my eyes may get a little watery for sad scenes, but I will literally brace myself if I suspect someone is going to be super embarrassed and cover my eyes. Public shame/embarrassment is my biggest fear and I hate seeing it happen to anybody else, in real life or on screen. (Though, I admit, I only react this way when it's good/main characters... I'll be the first to chear if it's happening to the bad character.)

Submitted October 28, 2023 at 10:13PM by HeartsPlayer721

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